I guess Hardees in Petersburg allow the staff there to get completely drunk while on duty now. Zachary Slater was so trashed on the job Sunday night that he could barely function, in fact while on the job he left Hardees store and stumble over to County Market next door and started harassing the staff over there. So if your food was wrecked it was because of a pathetic drunk in Hardees kitchen slopping it together, and I'm so sure he was being completely sanitary.. This isn't the first time Zach had a party of 1 while on the job, in fact employees at Casey's across the road say he comes over there regularly while working to buy the little shots of Fireball before returning to work. Want to know why service is terrible at Hardees? It's because of employees like Zachary work there. Smh. ~Kristen
fast food restaurant
hamburger restaurant