Here you'll find the best places in Lyons (Indiana). We found 1 places.

Lyons Petro Plus

It is really going down hill. I am so grateful for having this 1 gas station in town. But I went in there last month and they had a bag of trash inside out of the trash can sitting and leaking all over the floor as the workers were sitting there eating. I had to almost step over the liquid flowing across the floor coming out of the trash bag. She got up and checked me out at the register. As I sat in my car for a few minutes getting situated no one lifted a finger to take care of it. JUST GROSE AND LAZY. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS PICK IT UP AND MOVE IT 2 FOOT AND IT WOULD BE OUT THE DOOR! I mean come on. Everything is naturally overpriced because it's the only thing in town and if you just need a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk I do t mind not having to drive 10 minutes to get to another place. I'll pay 3 or 4 $ to much for it. I was just really disappointed in how they are taking care of the place. ~Samantha

(10 reviews)
truck stop gas station