Custom Welding and Fabrication
A Complete Assembly is located in Mascotte (Florida state) on the street of 140 W Myers Blvd.
If you want to ask about something we recommend contacting this place by phone. The Phone number is +1352-429-5275.
You can get more information from their website: http://www.acompleteassembly.com/.
The coordinates that you can use in navigation applications to get to find A Complete Assembly quickly are 28.578864, -81.893065.
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Are the opening hours of A Complete Assembly up to date?
We try to keep the time data up-to-date, but it may not be correct.
If you see an incorrect data, please contact us - we will correct A Complete Assembly opening hours so that others can see the up-to-date opening hours.
Is the place part of a chain store?
No, the place doesn't belong to the chain.
A Complete Assembly is my place. Can I manage it?
We are working on this possibility.
What categories is A Complete Assembly listed in?
A Complete Assembly is listed under: metal fabricator, agricultural production, agricultural service, aluminum welder, steel fabricator, trailer repair shop
How is A Complete Assembly rated?
A Complete Assembly has 3.6 stars from 5 reviews.
What is the address of A Complete Assembly?
140 W Myers Blvd,
Mascotte, FL 34753
United States
How to Get in Touch With A Complete Assembly?
You can get in touch with them by ringing at phone number: +1352-429-5275. Check our site for the best times to call.
Reviews about A Complete Assembly - 5
Skilled professionals who go above and beyond. A+++
Nice people but poor communication and follow-up.
When a business is willing to stand by the quality of their product and they have an unmatched customer service philosophy, they deserve a 10 if I could give it. Just amazing!!!!!
NOT happy at all was told they would put drain plugs in my pontoon a month ago yes they took 4th of July of but still also was told they would pressure test the toons and weld any small tears or Holes but not extensive work and would be 150 to 300$ no problem Had the wife pay yesterday and asked them to leave outside so I could pickup after work She signed a paper so they could leave it outside rushed to get they and not outside had to get up early today to go before work got the boat asked if they pressure tested he said no then tells me there is a dent in the bottom of the toon that’s probably where one of the leaks are so I paid 300 for a job not complete and they no it has a leak still wow now I have to pay another fabrication guy to come to my house to fix the boat and ALL this time I had to keep calling them to get status for a month thank you for reading But again would not recommend thanks Doug
Great owner! Takes the time to help you however he can.