Best general store in Bear, Delaware (DE) 2025

In our listing you'll find the best places from the general store category in Bear, Delaware. Some of the most popular zip codes in Bear, DE for general store include 19701.
We found 1 place.

Dollar General

Store doesn’t open when it says it’s supposed open. Carts are always in the aisles. Good luck finding anything you need. You don’t know if they’re really out of stock or if it’s on the cart. Cashiers are always nice but i go there to shop. This store could be a lot better ~Michele

(10 reviews)
dollar store beauty supply store candy store convenience store discount store drugstore general store party store seasonal goods store variety store

FAQ general store in Bear, DE

What are the zip codes in the city of Bear?

City Bear has such zip codes as: 19701.

What are the highly rated general store in Bear, DE?

The best-rated places in category general store in city Bear are: