Here you'll find the best places in Old Orchard Beach (Maine). We found 6 places.

Bill's Pizza

This review will be the same for 3 pizza places, Rocco's, Lisa's and Bill's. The reason for this is cause a friend asked me which I prefer from the 3 and I hadn't tried them so we decided to get 1 cheese slice from each and compare them. They are all on the main street here 5on old orchard beach, so it will always be a choice between them. First off, they are all decent slices of pizza. None of them were truly 5 stars worth but when comparing between the 3, I liked bills the best. It was also the cheapest and quickest to get from and the cashier was very friendly and helpful. So if I were to choose again I would go there. As for Lisa's, I liked that second best and service was ok but not as fast. Finally for Rocco's, this gets third place and I also have to mention that the person handling the slices was not using gloves and just grabbing the slice and putting it on a plate. This place was also the most expensive. So although the pizza was ok here, I would probably not go back there if I could avoid it. The line would have to be extremely long at the other 2 places and i would have to be dead set to have pizza. I tried not to think of the handling of the pizza while eating it and it kind of bothers me having to think about it again for the review. So that's my opinion of those 3 places. Maybe try a taste test for yourselves to compare ;) ~Chris

(10 reviews)
pizza restaurant

Pier French Fries

Not much to report. They are just French fries and the only thing that makes them worth while is the cheese sauce. We got them as a side while taste testing 3 different pizza places nearby. They are ok fries. Not bad but also nothing exceptional to say you must try them when In the area. If your are in the mood for fries get them (and the line is short). That's all. ~Chris

(10 reviews)
fast food restaurant