Here you'll find the best places in White Plains (Maryland). We found 5 places.

Johns Hopkins Community Physicians Charles County

Changing my health care to John Hopkins was a DISASTER. HORRIFIC. I wish there were more adjectives in the dictionary to describe how HORRIBLE my experiences have been with them. When I changed my policy to them, I was assigned a doctor and sent a policy card with the doctor listed on it. I tried to make an appointment and was told "YOU DO NOT HAVE A DOCTOR ASSIGNED". After explaining to them, they basically admitted thru their incompetence, that the assigned doctor was not available because of their overbooking. So, they assigned me a FNP/Nurse Practitioner. My wife is an RN and I have no issues with an FNP. But, I didn't leave the University of Maryland and an assigned doctor to get an FNP. What a joke. In an effort to give them a second chance (per se), I contacted their nurse line to get a refill on my blood pressure medicine. After an hour or so (multiple conversations) the on duty nurse called me and told me "We can't refill your blood pressure medicine because it's not listed in your chart." No kidding? I only had one appointment where I listed all my medications and it's my fault that it's not reflected in your system? Thanks John Hopkins. I'm glad you are so concerned about my health that you can't even refill or give me a temporary prescription of my blood pressure medicine to get me thru the holidays. As a retired military member, I caution all military families (active, reserve or retired) to thoroughly investigate, research, and contemplate what you are doing before you switch to John Hopkins. Their incompetence and lack of care is a glaring red flag for one retired Marine. I will switch care as soon as possible. Charles Sexton ~Chucky

(10 reviews)
medical group doctor