I am the executive director of Chosen 300 Ministries in Philadelphia. We have been doing business with Ambler Savings Bank for over 20 years. I remember several years back I was having problems with one of my banks and we decided to move a large amount of our business to Ambler. I remember walking in the bank and asking to see the President (Roger) who had recently took over the position. I did not really expect him to come and see me, but he left his office and actually came and sat next to me and had a conversation. Since then the bank has been the most helpful, on hands institution I have been a part of. They are small enough to know your name when you walk in the bank, but big enough to handle what you need to be accomplished. During the Payroll Protection Program the loan officer (Pat) walked me through step by step to secure the loan after another bank dropped the ball. He was even able to walk our finance rep through the process during the second wave while I was on conference call locked in a COVID detention center in Guyana.
Moreover this bank has been amazingly generous to our non-profit efforts donating thousands of dollars toward our efforts.
If you are looking for a Bank with great personal customer service and care for the community. Choose Ambler Savings Bank.
Brian Jenkins, Executive Director Chosen 300 ~Brian
mortgage lender
savings bank