Here you'll find the best places in Stratford (Wisconsin). We found 2 places.

United States Postal Service

We have sent donations to St. Joseph’s church using the street address and they have been returned. It’s down a few blocks from the post office. I am sure they didn’t even know how much money is being lost as they still give us the street address to use. We have sent other mail invites and cards to local residents who have lived in Stratford their whole lives and in the same house and yet those have been returned to us. Postmaster where is your customer service???? It is so frustrating! You have reduced hours and I get that but don’t you know the people who have been in your community for a long time. So much for the post office delivery. You can deliver in rain and sleet but only if you have a PO box number. ~Joan

(8 reviews)
post office logistics service money order service shipping and mailing service