laundromat Closed Now

Maytag Laundry in Heflin (568 Ross St, AL 36264)

1.7 (6 reviews)


Maytag Laundry is located in Heflin (Alabama state) on the street of 568 Ross St. If you want to ask about something we recommend contacting this place by phone. The Phone number is +1256-463-5992. The coordinates that you can use in navigation applications to get to find Maytag Laundry quickly are 33.644230, -85.587019. Scroll down to find out opening hours, reviews and other important information about Maytag Laundry.

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Reviews about Maytag Laundry - 6


This place is absolutely nasty!!! Has black mold growing on the walls! Most of the machines don't work, and have nasty stagnant water standing in them. Out of 18 washing machines, only 2 work!!!! They that are operational, do not work well and pour water into the floors. The dryers either are missing doors, or have to be held closed to keep them running. Water pours out of the ceiling onto your head and whatever else is near when the washers are running!!!! I have never seen such! Its disgusting!! I would have rated zero stars, but google wouldn't let me. The place should be torn down! It's an absolute disgrace to Heflin! No attendant on site and who knows when anyone has been there judging by the looks of it.



What is the point of even having it open when absolutely nothing works. All of our communities power is on and in time of need nothing works just shut it down -Kathleen Akins



Machine took my money. Outdated and hot



Really nasty.



The only reason it’s getting a star is because it’s mandatory. No coin machine which is ok I guess but the worse parts are that for one over half of the washers say out of order. The others do not spin laundry and it’s soaked. It’s hot as hades because there is no air in the place. The dryers some work and then you have to prop chairs in front of most of them to hold the door closed. I have spent almost $20 in here to have to wring out my clothes to try and get them to dry. The building isnt up to date which would be fine if the equipment I am spending $20 on worked. As a last resort it may be ok for some but I would never recommend it. You are better off driving to tallapoosa anniston or oxford.



(Translated by Google) It was already dry. Which will happen (Original) Ήθη ήδη ξηρή. Η οποία θα γίνει


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Opening Hours:

Closed Now
  • Monday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM


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    5: 2


Place last updated at: 28-11-2022 19:55:39