delivery service Closed Now

USPS in San Pablo (4180 Lakeside Dr, CA 94806)

1.5 (10 reviews)


USPS is located in San Pablo (California state) on the street of 4180 Lakeside Dr. If you want to ask about something we recommend contacting this place by phone. The Phone number is +15102234654. You can get more information from their website: The coordinates that you can use in navigation applications to get to find USPS quickly are 37.988096, -122.329846. Scroll down to find out opening hours, reviews and other important information about USPS.

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  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance

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Reviews about USPS - 10


Delivered package to the wrong house and all they did was leave a note. (Don't know who's house and can't get it myself). No resolution and no accountability. They either ignore the phones or mute them completely because I've called all morning and no answer.



The mailmen or ladies always puts our mail in the wrong mailbox especially the ones that works on Saturday we never get any packages that arrive on Saturday but it's always mark as delivered so we can't even claim nothing she or he even leaves the mailbox open intentionally and then they say that is was broken into but it was not. So we always have to be careful not to order things that arrives on Saturday. We are still missing important IRS mail and packages.



Very un helpful They delivered my passport somewhere else and when I asked them they said they put in my mailbox but I didn’t get it. No body answered my phone if someone then he said there is no one who can help you... I also get wrong mails in my mailbox.



So I spent a lot of money online, and the mail man gave my mail, to the wrong house! Thank god my neighbor gave me the package. Then I call to put a complaints, and a lady answered stating they are close, and hung up on my face. I called again she said everyone is out the door, Like haven’t you guys heard of an answer machine!? And why do they even answered the call?



Bad experience. The lady there did not hide her hesitation with each and every person there. When I asked her to please check if my package was there since I selected the pick-up option and my email clearly said PICK-UP, she literally said it would be a waste of her time. The email also said “re-delivery,” but I explained that I selected the PICK-UP option form the online redelivery options. It obviously had not been re-delivered to me by then, so just go check for me and if not there then fine! All it would take would be 2 min to check! I wasted my time to get there, plus another trip I will make since my package will obviously not be delivered to me. Horrible customer service! Plus lazy!



Place to pickup your mail When there is a problem with your mailbox in your building. Mail gets misplaced Laziest people, mail available to be picked up 3 weeks late Packages lost, ,stolen ? Maybe ? Misplaced. Who knows. You almost have to beg for them to look for your package. O star or -1



Dear Google maps, please remove this as a U.S. Post Office! It is NOT! This location should be reassigned as what it is, a Detached Delivery Unit!



NOT a retail USPS office!!! This is a DDU (destination delivery unit), where they collect and sort mail and store packages that are to be picked up. You can't buy anything here, you can only bring your pink slip with ID and pick up your packages. You can also drop off mail. There are two boxes for drive-by out front. If you thick envelope doesn't fit, the back of the boxes open up wider for packages. You can also bring a full tub of packages to the window and drop them off, but warning! the bar code is not always scanned here on drop, so if you are shipping Amazon Prime and Ebay with a definite delivery day, it might appear to be late!! Mine typically get scanned at the next sort facility in Oakland the NEXT day! That being said, the people working here are friendly and helpful.



Trying to track down a package. Tracking states "Delivered to Individual" on 12/16 at 11:44am. What individual? It sure as hell wasn't me. Tried calling this post office for 3 days, multiple times each day. NEVER an answer. I can see why the term Going Postal started. No choice but to keep trying or start writing complaint letters. Maybe channel 4 on your side could also get the ball rolling.



Very slow in answering the bell and very slow in customer service, in general. Although I have noticed that there are a couple of postal workers there who try hard to be helpful and efficient. If I remembered their names they would have gotten five stars. Unfortunately, there are the others who notably lower the overall score. One would think that with such low scores, they would have some professional and personal pride and would like to improve their services. Sad. Really sad.


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Opening Hours:

Closed Now
  • Monday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Sunday Closed


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    Total votes: 55
    Votes distribution:
    1: 43
    2: 3
    3: 1
    4: 2
    5: 6



  • This place is part of the USPS. This chain has places in other locations.

Popular Hours:

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Place last updated at: 14-08-2022 19:31:23