Best restaurant in Moraga, California (CA) 2025

In our listing you'll find the best places from the restaurant category in Moraga, California. Some of the most popular zip codes in Moraga, CA for restaurant include 94556.
We found 1 place.


Given that this is a chain restaurant, it is rather necessary to judge it both on the corporate performance and the specific establishments performance. In terms of corporate performance, this Subway is like every other one; they are fairly interestinguishable. In terms of the specific location, I've only been here once, but I found the person behind the counter to be efficient, friendly, and engaging. No reason not to go here if you like subways restaurants. ~Tim

(10 reviews)
sandwich shop catering service fast food restaurant meal takeaway restaurant

FAQ restaurant in Moraga, CA

What are the zip codes in the city of Moraga?

City Moraga has such zip codes as: 94556.

What are the highly rated restaurant in Moraga, CA?

The best-rated places in category restaurant in city Moraga are: