I took my vehicle in for a noise I heard they gave me an estimate and scheduled to fix the issue after a total of almost a week and a half of leaving my vehicle with them and a total of $1,200 I was finally able to pick it up and the issue I took it in for originally still exists!! Not only were they rude to me while it was being fixed when I would call to check the status of it being complete they also have not tried at all to make this rite with me and they never even fixed what I took it I for!!!!!
To add to your response I brought it there for a noise that was never fixed regardless of what you say needed fixed it wasn’t the issue I brought it in for I had no steering problems my only issue has and still is the noise coming from the front passenger side so you fixed stuff I didn’t even have a problem with and get your facts straight I RENTED a vehicle to drive to Florida have never drove my van any farther then from home to grandville where I work! I worked for a mechanical c before and any honest mechanic makes it rite when they mis diagnose a vehicle until they get the job done that it was brought in for and they don’t cuss at they’re customer when they call to check on they’re vehicle in your possession!!!!! Service: General repairs & maintenance ~Trinity
auto repair shop