I have no words to express my gratitude to the staff of NSC , from my case workers , Ann , Stephanie, Heidi ,to the employment team and my lawyers Lindsey and the one who left . I came into this country, and never knew I’d find family , comfort and support in people who did not know me .
The dedication, the sacrifices and patience that I experienced at Nsc is beyond measure. They put food on my table , gave me a home and made me see the meaning of life through my depression. The unending assurance and support I received during my immigration process was unbelievable. What can I ever do to repay such kindness? How can I ever pay back ? These are the questions I keep asking myself each day . What did I do to deserve this ?
My vow henceforth is to give support and love to anyone in need of it whenever I can because I learnt from the best ... my duty as a benefactor is to ensure continuity of this selflessness and ensure I protect and sow love and kindness for that is what NSC taught and instilled in me . ~Diana
non profit organization
language school