veterinary care Closed Now

Saluda Veterinary Clinic in Saluda (68 Oakes Landing Rd, VA 23149)

4.6 (10 reviews)


Saluda Veterinary Clinic is located in Saluda (Virginia state) on the street of 68 Oakes Landing Rd. If you want to ask about something we recommend contacting this place by phone. The Phone number is +18047582303. You can get more information from their website: The coordinates that you can use in navigation applications to get to find Saluda Veterinary Clinic quickly are 37.607142, -76.594356. Scroll down to find out opening hours, reviews and other important information about Saluda Veterinary Clinic.

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Reviews about Saluda Veterinary Clinic - 10


Great with all animals and breads. Can't beat the prices



Doctor was so nice and truly paid attention to my sweet Kitty. Thank goodness the price wasn't outrageous! Donna the Administrative person was wonderful and so helpful! Great experience!



Been coming here a long time. Just a clinic, no surgeries, but close by and inexpensive.



They take great care of both my dogs and also did great with my two that passed. I'd recommend them to anyone



It was great first time for free because we adopted a puppy from Gloucester Mathews Humane society. Vet was great. Got lots of free puppy advice. They are our new vets.



I highly recommend. Went there today and they were very sweet and informative. Also very good with my dog and very affordable.



If more veterinarians charged these prices then more people would adopt. It is first come first serve so you could end up waiting but very affordable which makes it worth the wait. They DO NOT take appointments.



The doctors here are amazing and affordable. They are there Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-5. There are no appointments. Walk-ins welcome. Even if you have to wait, everyone visiting just chats it up. At least, I know *I* do. Wonderful staff and wonderful customers make you feel right at home in this cozy little office. Give them a try.



I love Dr. Wilkins N Turner and drive an hour and 45 minutes from Maryland to see them in Tappahannock Virginia, and will see them in Saluda Va when camping in the area as we often do in the spring, summer and fall. Dr. Wilkins knows his stuff!! He saved our dog’s life when at an animal hospital much closer to home did $500.00 worth of testing that proved nothing, but were still convinced that our older min pin had swallowed some inanimate object other than food and had a bowel obstruction, Ann wanted to do a surgery for over $1000. We took him to doctor Wilkins for a second opinion and Dr. Wilkins found that he had Parvovirus! If he had receive an unneeded operation he would’ve never lived throug it, his body couldn’t have taken it. We still have him today and this was probably eight years ago. Our Rudy was a very sick guy with a 50-50 chance of living and Dr. Wilkins kept him in basically intensive care for about three days and Rudy got better, and got well. He is still with us today and this was about eight years ago. Dr. Wilkins usually sees our pets, and he has a lot of common sense, instinct and intuition. He can diagnose so much better than any other vet we’ve been to, no matter the price, or fancy gadgets. Best of all our pets aren’t afraid and feel at home here at Tapahannock vet office. They clean Rudy’s teeth and give him his yearly check up and don’t push things on us for our dog that we don’t feel comfortable with, like immunizations for our older dog who has seizures that seem related to immunizations in the past. He is always interested in preventing animals from being in any kind of pain or discomfort. And last but not least, his prices are very reasonable! I only wish it were a little closer drive but it’s still totally worth it.



Worst experience and I never even made it to see the Vet. I walked in waited 20 minutes to even be acknowledged, when she finally asked how can I help you I said we would like to become new here. Well that will take a minute I have to do paper work. Okay no problem. Then takes a phone call and 10 more minutes go by so I walk out. My dog has now been in the car, with AC running for over 30 minutes. Even though my old vet is over a hour away I will be returning to them.


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Opening Hours:

Closed Now
  • Monday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday Closed
  • Wednesday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


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Place last updated at: 03-09-2022 01:04:04