August 1, 2022 @ 1:11 PM; At the pharmacy. NO ONE INSIDE waiting in line; JUST ME. There to fill one of the most common medication in the nation. 20 tablets. (CVS told me this location had it, when I stopped in a different location across town.) Sign says, “Closed Daily 1:30-2:00 For Lunch”…. IT WAS 1:11 PM…… Pharmacist Robbi (aka ‘Hair Done-Did’) say, “we closed for lunch & errythang”….AGAIN, IT WAS 1:11 PM….The Pharmacy ‘Assistant Assistancer’ (aka ‘Bowling Ball’) fakes look at my script, and chimes in, “anyway, we prob’ly don’t be havin’ it”, then quickly hands back my script. AGAIN, IT WAS 1:11 PM. “That’s R-O-B-B-I”, said Pharmacist Hair Done-Did, after my asking her name, after she told me that she DID NOT CARE if I moved ALL my scripts from CVS 😳 So, I DID!! 😁 Now, I DON’T have to deal with lazy, rude, arrogant 🤬🤬 pharmacy people who are always only 49 minutes away from ending a 30 minute lunch break, and who never answer the phone. btw, nice masks 😷 We see Bowling Ball went with the more luxurious “jungle camo” mask. (Now, at night, you’d never be able to see her coming 😂) Since they’re the only 2 working in the pharmacy, and they both break for lunch at the same time (for the same 49-minute-long-half-hour-lunchtime break) I be wundurin; do they be eatin’ with they maxes on? 🤔
IT’S 10:30 PM; As soon as I posted this review, I received Google Maps-Review
Automated Store Response informing me that this location is, “closed 1:30-2pm daily for lunch”😂I’t ain’t being like 2 edjumacated pharmacy women peoples be too stoopid too add up all them minutes in a half-hour 🤣 Gots to be havin’ calcumalator fo them big numbers & errythang. ~William
beauty supply store
convenience store
cosmetics store
greeting card shop
perfume store
stationery store
vitamin and supplements store