I took my dog in to get a bath and a brush, which includes having the hair trimmed from her pads/paws. Her pads/paws were not trimmed. Also, my dog went in wearing a Calming Collar (because she recently went blind and it really does help her.) It was around 7:30 pm when they sent a message saying she was ready and she could be picked up. After picking her up and getting home, I noticed that she didn't have her collar on. I called the store and spoke with the manager. He told me that it was against the policy to take a pet with anything around their necks and that the groomer told him that when I dropped her off she wasn't wearing a collar. I tried explaining to him that she always wears one and why. I told him that she had it on when I dropped her off , that I had just bought it, and it cost $30. He told me that he didn't know what happened but that she didn't have one on when she was dropped off. He said he didn't know what I was wanting and I told him I just wanted her caller back. I bought that caller from her vet which is in Tennessee and I am in Texas visiting so I can't go back to buy another one. It's amazing to think that the groomers are so perfect that they would never make a mistake like that at least according to him. The groomers appeared to be very nice and talked about how they fell in love with my dog because she was so good How hard would it have been just to do what you're paid to do and to return what belonged to my dog. ~Tressa
pet store