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ALTHIM Technologies, LLC. in Hopkinton (103-105 South St, MA 01748)

1 (4 reviews)


ALTHIM Technologies, LLC. is located in Hopkinton (Massachusetts state) on the street of 103-105 South St. If you want to ask about something we recommend contacting this place by phone. The Phone number is +15087201569. The coordinates that you can use in navigation applications to get to find ALTHIM Technologies, LLC. quickly are 42.199786, -71.541776. Scroll down to find out opening hours, reviews and other important information about ALTHIM Technologies, LLC..

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Reviews about ALTHIM Technologies, LLC. - 4


Had the same experience other two reviewers reported. With a $500 charge for their services, a total scam: company infected my computer with their malware, which causes popups that direct you to call them. When you call they will lie to you and tell you they work for whatever company made your computer. In my case Apple, called Apple they never heard of them. They will then tell you that you need to give them remote access to your computer so they can remove all viruses and spyware. They will then ask for your credit card information and charge you for their services. They will then send you an agreement which they want you to sign so that they now have your credit card info and a copy of your signature. This is a blatant scam being run by call centers in India who just want to copy your hard drive, steal your credit card, gain access to your bank accounts and, have complete access to everything on your computer. The FBI should lock up whoever is behind this scam.



My mother in law got burned by this. Karma for the ones who take advantage of the elderly like this. Same story as the rest: infected computer, she called the number, gave them the credit card number. Now the headache of reversing charges and canceling credit cards is in our future. Steer clear.



Warning, Scam! Complete con artists. This company infects your computer with their malware, which causes popups that direct you to call them. When you call they will lie to you and tell you they work for whatever company made your computer. They will then tell you that you need to give them remote access to your computer so they can remove all viruses and spyware. They will then ask for your credit card information and charge you for their services. They will then send you an agreement which they want you to sign so that they now have your credit card info and a copy of your signature. This is a blatant scam being run by call centers in India who just want to copy your hard drive, steal your credit card, gain access to your bank accounts and, have complete access to everything on your computer. The FBI should lock up whoever is behind this scam.



Bogus scam. I have been robbed by this bogus remote computer help. Mostly out of India. Do not believe a word they say. They will service you for a while and then just disappear. BEWARE.


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Opening Hours:

Closed Now
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


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    4: 0
    5: 0


  • Adress: 103-105 South St,
    Hopkinton, MA 01748
  • Phone: +15087201569
Place last updated at: 16-08-2022 15:01:31