This store is OK, although the selection is pretty limited and some items are very overpriced and only sold in small packages, you have to buy tons of them.
Some breads and hamburger buns are regularly out of stock. When they are restocked they usually are sold out very quickly. The Orowheat Russian Rye bread has not been restocked for almost half a year now for some inexplicable reason, even though it is being restocked everywhere else in the area, and this Sprouts is still restocking all of their other products like Jewish Rye and Dark Rye.
Would be nice if this store had more items in bulk, like hash browns for example. Instead of making someone buy like 12 bags of hash browns to last their family one week, it'd be nice to have just one or two big "family size" bags.
It would also be nice if the prices were lower, and also if they had more products available. For example, the cereal section contains pretty much no popular brand cereals. Popular shampoo brands like Head & Shoulders can't be found in the shampoo aisle. Not even common, affordable soap brands.
The shopping baskets are also kind of cheaply made and painful to carry for extended periods of time. The metal handles are thin and dig into your fingers. Would be nice if they had thicker or perhaps plastic/rubber coated handles on them
Other than that, it's not bad. ~David
grocery store