Like most people, I have had ups and downs in my life. I was perpetually mulling over my past, going down the " should have, would have" pathway. I would feel drained on Monday morning, not looking forward to another work week.
My friend gave me "Stumbling into infinity" and I was intrigued after reading it. Shortly thereafter, I took the SKY course and found it eased up some of the sadness inside. I would do the Kriya here and there and feel increased energy after but did not do it regularly.
Once I heard Guruji say that Kriya is like brushing your mind every day. That really stopped me on my tracks. We worry about the smell in our mouth but we ignore the dirt accumulating in our minds from our interactions with our world. Since then I have been doing Kriya almost daily and feel so much more energy throughout my day. Among the benefits of Kriya, I was most impressed with the concept of neuroplasticity. With Kriya, we can change the pattern of negative thinking/bad habits deeply rooted in our nervous system.
I also attended Sahaj Meditation and love the concept of doing nothing for a few minutes every morning. I know this helps my nervous system rejuvenate and keeps the mind fresh even when I am sleep deprived.
Highly recommend these courses and Silence course to everybody to recharge their mind and body . ~Sowmya
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