In a bit of a pickle, I needed a place to get my oil changed prior to a long road trip. I did a quick search and the Jiffy lube on Elden came in clutch as no appointment was required for said service!
I was in and out in a “jiffy” as some would say: 18 minutes total for an oil change, under the hood check, tire check, and complimentary vacuum and exterior window clean. They verbally communicated the cost of things from the moment I got there to the moment I left requiring my consent before moving forward with additional services like changing my air filters which they showed me were looking very rough. Definitely check the company’s main website as occasionally a coupon will be available to lower the cost of your service!
All of the gentleman made this experience very welcoming for a first time Jiffy Lube user and I advise everyone to bring their car in to this place! Services: Air & cabin filter replacement, Oil change ~Kristen
oil change service
auto repair shop
auto tune up service